
Life Expectancy

Life expectancy is the average number of years a newborn is expected to live. Life expectancy data can tell the general state of health of a population. It is an expression of material prosperity and comfort, general living conditions, and the health care system in a society.

Current Trend

In the last decade, life expectancy has remained steady at around 80 years. However, there has been a slight decrease since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The life expectancy dropped by 1.5 years from 2019 to 2022.

The average life expectancy for women in Washington was about 82 years. The average life expectancy for women in Washington was about 77 years.

Regional differences persist in Washington. In 2022, residents in San Juan County had the highest life expectancy of 90 years, while residents of Ferry county had the lowest life expectancy of just below 71 years.

Gaps also exist across racial groups. People who identify as multi-racial, non-Hispanic, had the highest life expectancy at 91 years. American Indians and Pacific Islander people had the lowest life expectancy at 68 years.

Data is obtained from the Washington State Department of Health’s Life Expectancy by Gender, Age, and County, All Deaths – County and State Dashboards.

Life expectancy is defined as the number of years, on average, a newborn in a specific year can be expected to live.